We Live Right Here and Work For You

STEVE TENNANT   (519) 277-8463


We’re differnent.  We’re  small, nice, local, and family-owned.  We listen to you . We like seniors. They keep trying to adopt us.  We are known for dowing what we say we wil, and we do one project at a time.

We listen. We observe. We build according to your budget, not ours.  We remodel homes of all sizes, all ages, and apply the same care and passion to all of them. We can vuild your store and we can help you desing it too.

Small jobs lead to large jobs; and large to small.  We don’t know where one becomes the other, so we do both.  The number one question we ger from clients is: “Do you do__?  The answer is :  YES.

MARK TENNANT  (519) 504-8482


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